How to Cope with Fibromyalgia - 10 Tips

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common chronic musculoskeletal pain syndrome. Reported prevalence rates vary depending on the classification criteria used; in the UK the prevalence is estimated to be 5.4%, with women more commonly affected than men.

For people with fibromyalgia, the combination of pain and sleep disturbance is a double-edged sword: the pain makes sleep more difficult and sleep deprivation exacerbates pain. The good news is that reduction in sleep disturbance is usually followed by improvement in pain symptoms. This also highlights the importance of healthy sleep and to find a sleep professional in treating this disease.

Fibromyalgia is a persistent condition for which there is no cure. But there are ways of coping with fibromyalgia symptoms and preventing exacerbation of pain. Here are some tips:

1.   Put on some music. Music can have a powerful effect on moods and emotions. Music also helps reduce pain and increase mobility.Turn on some of your favorite tunes and let the music carry you away. Music that's embedded with delta waves — a type of brain wave — may help improve your sleep.

2.   Have a laugh. Even on tough days, it helps if you can keep your sense of humor. Spend time with people who have a positive outlook and a great sense of humor. Rent a funny movie or read the comics. Laughter can help ease pain by releasing brain chemicals that enhance a sense of well-being.

3.   Exercise. Be as active as you can. Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with fibromyalgia. It eases both fatigue and pain. Walking and swimming are especially good. Aim for 20-30 minutes, 2 or 3 days per week. It's OK to do that in 10-minute chunks.

4.   Diet. Focus on nutrient-rich foods to have more energy and to avoid other health problems. Use your diary to see if any foods make you feel better. People with fibromyalgia tend to have low levels of vitamin D. That could worsen pain and other symptoms. A blood test can tell if you're short on D. Ask your doctor if you should take a supplement.

5.   Meditate. Meditation involves focusing your mind to pay attention only to what's happening right now, this moment. If you're not sure about meditation, try paced breathing — controlled breathing designed to lower your heart rate.

6.   Try guided imagery.With guided imagery, you focus on pleasant images to replace stressful or negative thoughts. This allows you to imagine a different internal reality.

7.   Get a massage. Regular massage sessions can ease fibromyalgia-related pain, but massage is also effective at decreasing stiffness and swelling, increasing flexibility, and improving range of motion.

8.   Focus on something meaningful to you. Volunteer for a cause you care about. Read to nursing home residents or young children in child care. Or, ask your local animal shelter if they need any assistance. Focusing on others can help take your mind off your symptoms for a little while, and you may find the experience very rewarding.

9.   Relationships.Sit down with your partner on a regular basis to talk about what's going on with you. Listen to each other and problem-solve together.

10.         Use a weighted blanket to get a quality sleep. Insomnia is one of the commonest problems people living with fibromyalgia face. The widespread body pain and discomfort of living with the condition could make it very difficult to get into a relaxed state necessary for restful sleep. Most sufferers are either unable to fall asleep quickly or sleep through the night. Getting quality sleep helps you feel your best and can also help reduce fibromyalgia-related pain. Try to sleep at least 8 hours each night. To help you sleep, do deep breathing and/or meditation exercises.

Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation(DPTS) from a weighted blanket forces the body to relax by a process known as ‘grounding.’ The experience of using a weighted blanket is similar to getting a ‘tight’ hug from a loved one. Studies have shown that DPTS has a therapeutic effect on the brain that helps a person to fall asleep faster and sleep for longer.

Nowadays you can easily get a weighted blanket on Amazon. The two most important criteria for choosing a weighted blanket are weight and size. Knowing your own body dimensions before selecting a weighted blanket will help you safeguard your investment because a weighted blanket must be chosen based on the body dimensions of the intended user. Just follow the instructions of weight & size on the blanket website, such as: YnM Weighted Blanket. YnM is one of the best sellers of weighted blankets on Amazon, they provide quality heavy blankets with the most budget-friendly price on Amazon, that is really a awesome product you deserve to buy.

Final Words:
The 10 tips above are easy things you can do today to feel better. You can do these things. They can help you live a full, healthy life with fibromyalgia.


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