How to Get Peace at Night If Your Spouse is Snoring: 10 Tips

If your spouse snores, take some comfort in the fact you’re not alone. According to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, 41.5% of the UK adult population snore, and 58% of these are between 50-59 years of age. While you can’t personally stop your spouse from snoring, there are some suggestions you could make to them to try to rectify the situation.

1. Roll him over
If your spouse tends to sleep on his back, this position can make snoring worse, as it can position his tongue towards the back of his throat, thereby blocking his airflow. Shifting your partner’s sleeping position to side sleeping is often the first line of defense recommended by health experts.

2. Sew a tennis ball into the back of your spouse’s pyjamas
This will make it uncomfortable for your spouse to lie on their back, which is the position most likely to trigger snoring. Instead, the snoring partner will be forced to sleep on their side and will therefore be less likely to snore.

3. Skip the nightcap
Having a glass of wine with dinner might seem like a good idea at the time, but it can actually make your partner’s snoring worse during the night. Alcohol can cause muscles in the body to relax, and it includes the muscles in the throat and jaw.

4. Clear his nasal passages before bed
It seems pretty simple, but some people need a little extra help on top of ‘blowing their nose’. If his nose is particularly stuffy, he could try a saline rinse to clear their sinuses. If he gets a stuffy nose due to allergies, make sure that you are keeping on top of the dusting in your bedroom, and clear up pet hair, to avoid allergic reactions.

5. Encourage your partner to lose some weight
Obesity and being overweight can increase the risk of many serious health problems, but it can also make snoring worse too. Carrying extra weight around the neck area can lead to snoring, because of the pressure that rests on the throat

6. Try using a white noise machine
These machines are said to work wonders for people with insomnia as they drown out sounds of car horns and dogs barking. They could work for drowning out the sound of a snorer too, creating a calm and peaceful environment.

7. Buy him an anti-snore pillow
These pillows are designed to create the correct positioning of their head, supporting the neck and head to open up the airwaves.

8. Place extra pillows under his head
This is a pretty simple tip that you can try tonight. Sleeping with head elevation may take some of the pressure off of the airway, making breathing easier. Some studies have shown that if people raise the head of the bed about six degrees, this can stop or lessen snoring.

9. Wear earplugs
One of the most effective ways of sleeping through the night next to someone who snores is to use earplugs. Go for a high-quality pair that cancels out the noise, rather than those which simply muffle it, or fall out in the middle of the night. However, be careful whenever you’re using them, as they can sometimes hurt your ears.

10. Give him a weighted blanket
Some people only snore when they fall asleep bone-tired and exhausted, your spouse might be one of them. Sleeping when exhausted can cause throat muscles to become floppier, thus causing them to snore, even if they usually don’t. Getting a better sleep is very helpful to reduce the chance of snoring. There are many kinds of sleep products you can find in the market for your snoring partner, the weighted blankets is definitely the best one among them.

Like the name indicates, weighted blankets are made with added weight so that they feel heavier than a typical blanket. Weighted blankets are designed to provide a warm, gentle pressure on the user that mimics the feeling of being held (known as Deep Touch Pressure). This type of pressure has been shown to increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of sleep that has a calming effect. The extra pounds surrounding your body seem to relax your respiratory system and even out your breathing so you can sleep better. As a result of easier breathing, many mild snorers without obstructive sleep apnea find relief. It could be the solution to those with mild snoring problem, although it probably won’t work for heavy snorers.

If you are thinking of investing in a weighted blanket for your partner, we recommend YnM Weighted Blanket as the best choice. As one of Amazon Best Sellers, YnM is known for the best price and high quality of their blankets, got 4.5 out of 5 stars with over 3000 reviews.


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