
5 Best Products for Autistic Children: Weighted Blankets and Other Items

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 68 children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism spans all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and is about 4 times more common among boys (1 in 42) than among girls (1 in189). Living with autism presents challenges most other families do not face. No parent is ever prepared to hear that a child is anything other than happy and healthy, and an ASD diagnosis can be particularly frightening. Fortunately, there are some products that meet the everyday needs of our kids with autism. These products can be real lifesavers, and might just give parents, caregivers and teachers a few more minutes of peace each day.   In this article, from the Dark Den and b-Calm headphones to toys and weighted blankets , we’re highlighting our five favourite products that have amazing benefits for children with autism. 1. Sensory Den and light-up accessories The Sensory Den (previously kn

How to Get Peace at Night If Your Spouse is Snoring: 10 Tips

If your spouse snores, take some comfort in the fact you’re not alone. According to the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association, 41.5% of the UK adult population snore, and 58% of these are between 50-59 years of age. While you can’t personally stop your spouse from snoring, there are some suggestions you could make to them to try to rectify the situation. 1. Roll him over If your spouse tends to sleep on his back, this position can make snoring worse, as it can position his tongue towards the back of his throat, thereby blocking his airflow. Shifting your partner’s sleeping position to side sleeping is often the first line of defense recommended by health experts. 2. Sew a tennis ball into the back of your spouse’s pyjamas This will make it uncomfortable for your spouse to lie on their back, which is the position most likely to trigger snoring. Instead, the snoring partner will be forced to sleep on their side and will therefore be less likely to snore.

How to Cope with Fibromyalgia - 10 Tips

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common chronic musculoskeletal pain syndrome. Reported prevalence rates vary depending on the classification criteria used; in the UK the prevalence is estimated to be 5.4%, with women more commonly affected than men. For people with fibromyalgia, the combination of pain and sleep disturbance is a double-edged sword: the pain makes sleep more difficult and sleep deprivation exacerbates pain. The good news is that reduction in sleep disturbance is usually followed by improvement in pain symptoms. This also highlights the importance of healthy sleep and to find a sleep professional in treating this disease. Fibromyalgia is a persistent condition for which there is no cure. But there are ways of coping with fibromyalgia symptoms and preventing exacerbation of pain. Here are some tips: 1.    Put on some music. Music can have a powerful effect on moods and emotions. Music also helps reduce pain and increase mobility.Turn on some of your fa

How to Wash Weighted Blanket with Comfort: 10 Tips

Are you planning on buying a cool weighted blanket but are not sure whether maintaining and cleaning them would be easy or not? Then you are definitely not alone. Weighted blankets will cost you a lot, so it is almost necessary to take good care of them and clean them properly. After all, weighted blankets help you to sleep better, aid you in relieving the symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, autism, depression and many other certain conditions. Cleaning a weighted blanket can be both easy and challenging task. It all depends on the type of material used in its manufacturing. So, before you jump into the cleaning process, it is essential to check the tag for materials and consider the overall construction which will affect the way it should be washed. Here are 10 tips for you which will surely help you in maintaining a clean blanket. 1. Air Your Blanket Every Now and Then Sometimes all you need is to air your best weighted blanket just to make it smell like a new one

How to improve the quality of sleep with the weighted blankets

Have you ever heard that people can sleep better under the weight of heavy blankets? Even if we look back into years back, the practice was heavy blankets because it is a proved fact that it helps you in sleep. By taking a very common example, if you have a baby you would totally relate to this, that babies sleep better under the weight of blankets. When you have to make them sleep all you have to do is that put them under a comfortable, a little heavy blanket and they will fall asleep easily. There are many other ways that you might practice like take caffeine etc.   But you would not go for the easy ways because you just do not believe them. There are many other tips and tricks that you might get to hear all the time, on how you can sleep better. One of the most simple and easy tip is that look for your comfort, if you are comfortable you will sleep easily. Here are top 10 benefits that can convince you to use the weighted blankets , the benefits are as follows: